Our Approach

For many landowners development of their land can be a once in a lifetime opportunity.

We are here to guide our clients through each stage of the promotion process. We like to forge strong relationships with our clients and ensure they are kept fully informed of our promotion activities whilst actively engaging with them to ensure key decision making is informed and collaborative.

We forge strong relationships with our clients

Our services are all open book. Our clients can audit our costs and have full visibility of technical reports and key meetings with stakeholders in the planning process. We agree a promotion strategy with our clients that guides our activities and, when those activities generate planning results, we jointly agree a marketing strategy with our clients to maximise the return from any sale. Where appropriate, we are happy to use our client’s land agent to support marketing, but if a client doesn’t have an agent, we robustly market the site to maximise their return. Clients have full visibility of all offers received and we jointly agree who their land should be sold to.

We are not one of the largest developers, but we are a well capitalised and experienced family business with a strong mix of in house expertise and a considerable incentive to succeed. We appoint major national and strategic consultancies to undertake any technical work we do not have the relevant experience of in house, so our clients get the best of both worlds: the personal relationship associated with a smaller organisation backed by the technical expertise of major consultancies.

We don’t speculate on sites and we don’t like to spread ourselves too thinly. Instead, we only take on sites that we consider to have genuine potential and put all our resources into making them work, so you can be sure that we will do everything we can to get the right result for you.